Page 158 - Carrollton 1981
P. 158

On  the  nineteenth  of  December,  the  high  school  gathered  in  the  P.A.C.  for  the  Christmas
        Luncheon,  sponsored  by  the  Sunshine  Committee.  Chairman,  Montserrat  Paradelo  and,  co-chair­
        man,  Annie Coroalles diligently organized the menu which consisted of salad,  quiche,  and Christmas
        cookies.  Entertainment was provided  by both the Student Government and the  Liturgical Choir. The
        morning  began with a slide show prepared  by the executive board of the Student Government.  Then
        the Liturgical Choir,  led  by Mrs.  Betty Ann  Kroger,  sang Christmas carols and prompted everyone to
        join  in the festivities while the Student Government  prepared  for their play,  Who S hot Santa  Claus?.
        Afterwords,  the  Secret  Santa  presents  were  distributed  as  the  Luncheon  came  to  an  end.
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