Page 13 - Carrollton 1998
P. 13


                       Student Life

               The  planners  for  the  year  are  booked  solid  for  the  girls  a t  the
            Interm ediate School.  They not only h av e to work on keeping their
            grades up in class, but they must also b a la n ce  their lives full of var­
            ious activities.
               The fourth graders,  the new -com ers to El Jardin, will spend a  full
            d ay  at Shark V alley in the Everglades, an d  they will also go to see
            the M.I.M.I.  ship w hen it stops for a  visit in Miami.  The fifth graders
            will  dedicate  m uch  of  their  time  to  the  long  anticipated,  an n u al
            Fifth Grade Opera.  The sixth graders h a v e two m ajor events to look
            forward  to  this  year:  the  m oving  on  an d   becom in g  Junior  High
            girls,  an d  a  two night stay in the everglades.
               "I love being in the Interm ediate school,  w e alw ays h a v e som e­
            thing to do an d  w e h a v e El Jard in to ourselves," says Kelly Perrins,
            a  sixth grader.  As you c a n  see,  the girls in the Interm ediate School
            do not h av e a  m om ent to spare, but they do h a v e m an y  m om ents
            of joy.  There is not doubt these girls lead  busy lives, inside an d  out­  Top:  Fifth graders Nicole Bulas anc
                                                                                     Maria Cristina Gonzalez take dow|
            side of El Jardin.
                                                                                     the flag at the end of a  long day. j

      Top:  Sixth graders Mariana
      Gonzalez,  Kelly  Perrins,
      M argina  Demmer-Rocha,
      and  Nina  Momayezzadah
      do not like the idea of split-
      ting-up;  together  forever,
      that's their motto.

      Right:  "You want me to do
      what?"  says  sixth  grader
      Monica Rosell.               Right: Tania Del Rivero and
                                   Carolina  Armas  are  living
                                   proof  th at  the  fourth
                                   grad ers  do  not  h a v e  a
                                   chance to even stop to look
                                   at the camera.
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