Page 15 - Carrollton 1998
P. 15

Eighth  grader  Corinne  Guerra
                        Junior High                                                 strong points: conjugating verbs.
                                                                                    shows  her  classmates  one  of  her

                        Student Life

              In  the  spotlight?  I  think  so.  The  seventh  and , eighth  graders  at
           Ccarollton h av e b ecom e the role, rhodels'for the younger girls a t the
           Duchesne Cam pus.  They are full of pep,,and spirit,  an d  it shows in
           their invtolyement in the  school's  activities,  from pathfinder  for  the
           eighth graders to Sea C am p for the. seventh graders.  They h a v e a
           variety, of blue-gold com petitions throughout the year w here their
           enthusiasm  is highlighted, The seventh graders'are no longer little
           girls,  an d  the eighth graders are patiently aw aiting their career as
           higli tichool girls.  The Junior High is full of excitem en t an d  ad v en ­
           ture, 'just look an d  you will see  ... i

          Above left:  Seventh grader Natalia
          Echeverri  curiously  checks  the  hot
          line for the new "411"  in the Junior.
          High.  Above Right:  The Junior High
          Cross  Country  Team  cam e  in  first
          place  at  the  Dade  County  Youth
          Fair,  and  eighth  graders  Ashley
          Palicio,  Lara  Del  Rio,  and  A lexa
          Pennell show-off their trophy.
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