Page 11 - Carrollton 1998
P. 11





                   fo r LittCe firCs"

                From  First Communion, to
            the Philippine social, to read­
            ing  and  writing,  life  at  the
            Prim ary  School  is  full  of
            exciting  activities  during  the
            year  keeping  the  girls  quite
            busy.  For  the  Montessori
            girls,  it is only the beginning

            of  their  time  at  Carrollton.
            They start by learning how to
            succeed  in  school.  The  first
            graders start learning how to
            read  and  write,  skills  they
            will treasure forever. The sec­
            ond  graders  spend  a  full
            year  preparing  for  their  big
            day:  First  Communion.  Last,
            and ready to move out of the
            Primary  School  are the third        '  Tdp:  Andrea  Barci'-’  (grade  K)  practices  her  painting  skills,  ready  to  be  the  nex
            graders  the  bia  aids on  this       Picasso.  Bottom left: A group of the older primary girls pause to strike a pose.  Bot
                     '   _■        |               tom  right:  Alexandra  Morales  (grade  M4)  keeps  her  eyes on  her  paper,  makinc
            campus,  these  days  are              sure not to color out of the lines.
            days  the  girls will  never  for­
            get, and nobody puts it better
            than      second         grader
            Stephanie  Lynch,  "Everyday
            is  a  little  bit  different,  but
            always fun."
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