Page 16 - Carrollton 1998
P. 16

Left:  Two eighth graders,  Ash­
                                                          ley Shnapier and Lara Del Rio,
                                                          dress up to present their French
                                                          report on the Eiffel Tower.

                                                          Below: Eighth grader Amanda.
                                                          Codin,a  models  her  fashion­
                                                          able pajamas on Pajama Day.   Below:  Eighth  graders
                                                                                      Christine,Fabre  and  Karla
                                                                                      Valdivia were  twins  for  a
                                                                                      day on Twin Day.

                                                          Above:  A  group  of /eighth
                                                          graders  decide  to  com e
                                                          together  for  a   fun  and
                                                          m em orable  p an oram ic
                                                          Left: The seventh grade trio,
                                                          Alex  Esteve,  Silvia  Larrieu,
                                                          and  Kara  Zeder,  hope  to
                                                          stay friends for life.
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