Page 151 - Carrollton 2004
P. 151
M E o & o f l o T o E
TKc Debate girls are the ones who are kaown
for arguing everything and talking real fast,
but there is much more to debate than that.
It is very rigorous and challenging and entails
a lot of research and time spent out of school.
Most debaters attend 4-7 week camps during
the summer preparing themselves for the year.
This year was a hard year for the debate team,
it was what is called a "transition year." Car
rollton was graced with a new coach, Kenda
Cunningham, who initiated many changes and Keeping tke Spirit Alwe. I I i And-rea Rioiere
adjustments to the program. The debate team Saati pose at tke first tournament of tke, year.
prevailed and is ready for another exciting year
of intellectual competition.
Speed, Demon! Sopkomore Frances Hassun In tke middle of
ketf speeck wkile ker partner Sopkomdre Brittany Bakamon
takes notes.
Hard at Work Sopkomores Estefania Garcia and Natalie
Meruelo prepare tkeir next speeck daring Prep Time.
No Back Talkl 80pi lornoce Victoria Henning-Smejda fereently
defends ker point daring a speeck
Break Time. Natalie Meraelo, Lyly Villanaeoa,
Skaryne Hider, Melissa Meraelo, and Naii sa Saati
take a break in between debate roands.
Fabric of Our Lwes