Page 155 - Carrollton 2004
P. 155
In Ebery Girls Dream Seniors
Junubrs Sittii tke Sidewalk at Lunck Sd»
Lindsey ®kam{lioi^.Bidncd Habib
and Nu^HnaspoSHs -v^itk Columbus guys
during their exchange day at Columbus. Spirit week is the time to bring nanda E s t e o H L J M c K e n z i
out the crazy outfits, loud mu Sarah. MenachofvW^Uaecon, Paola Ramos, anij
RockellG Marill wearing their spirit clothes.
sic, and fun games. This was
the second spirit week of the year
and you could see the school spirit
in everyone's faces. Some special
Seniors had the chance to switch
places with Seniors from Co
lumbus High School. We had a
sports day where everyone got to
wear uniforms from their favorite
sports team. And of course, the
Sporting a New Hairdo Looking Cute!
Sophomore Briana Baker skows off all-time favorite, Karaoke, \vas Freskmen Jackie|
her wild side. brought back for another activity. Loos, Lauren
Gomez, and Lisa j
Old Ruxds - Gators and Noles. Tke Columbus Boys helping out tke
Tke Grades Unite for a little bit
Kristine Adler and Tracy Walder Carrollton Seniors at a quick game of
of Karaoke.
skow off tkeir jerseys. kickbalL