Page 252 - Carrollton 2004
P. 252
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Although Carrollton's Volleyball team
got off to a slow start, the Cyclones
grew into a substantial group. Mixing
determination and power, the girls
united and fought to the last minute.
Unfortunately, the team lost five seniors
this year, but gained able sophomores
from the Junior Varsity. This year
challenging opponents included: La
Salle, Palmer Trinity, and Westminster
Christian. The captain was Maritza
Arnedo and the co-captian was Andrea
Faraci. Odette Partridge, the coach this
year, was a member of the Puerto Rican from left to dgkt (back) Jadyn O’Connor, Rockelie Mariu, Coack Odette S S 5 Jenetle
National Team in volleyball. Overall, Busto, Luclana Giangrandl, Katkryn Sallnero, and Andrea Faraci.
the team had a strong season and there (front) Hallee Lange, Ttuci Walder, Maritza Arnedo, and Stepkanle Snyder.
is prospective talent to come.
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Holding Hands. Tke volleyball team prays togetker after tke big game
Huddling Up. Tke volleyball team takes a
to promote sportsmanskip and unity. Tkis ritual occured after every
time out to discuss strategy.
game and it continued to bring tke team members closer togetker. Tke
Cyclones and tkeir opponents pray togetker commemorating tkeir Well
played game.
Volleyball 251