Page 255 - Carrollton 2004
P. 255
G a s h c
Junior High__________
A Flgkt for Victory Eigktk grader Katky W olfstakl,
surrounded by members of tke opposing team,
struggles to gain control of tke bau during a junior
klgk basketball game at Carrollton,
The Junior High
Basketball team
had an exciting year,
playing many home games
against opponents such as St.
Thomas the Apostle, Palmer Trinity,
and Ransom Everglades. The girls are
looking forward to moving up to the
high school to play for the Varisty
squad. Cyclones basketball looks to
have a bright future with much
promising talent coming
from the Junior High in
the next few years.
Race to tke Action. Junior klgk players race to tke
sidelines for tke ball at a basketball kome game, wklle
proud parents look on from tke bleackers.
H S H D o n r D v p
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