Page 275 - Carrollton 2004
P. 275
H a v a n a H a n m f ' s
A iMiqkt of Food, fuw and
F niznd&
On February 4th, 2004, the Car-
| rollton commuuity came together to
raise money for Coconut Grove Cares
! and The Barnyard Afterschool Program.
The owners of Havana Harry's
Cuban restaurant, Arthur Cullen and
Above: One Big Happy
Nieves Feal, parents of third grader
Family! Havana
j Caitlin Cullen and M4 student Kris Harry's owners Actkur
ten Cullen, allowed Carrollton to use Cullen, Nieves Feal,
| their restaurant for an entire night and and family.
| generously donated all of the proceeds. Rigkfc Entertainment
foe tke Nigkt Jsabelle
| This event raised $15,585 dollars for
Castillo entertains tke
charity! crowd by playing ker
The junior Class and junior High guitar.
, volunteers skillfully put the event to
gether and waited on many tables filled
j with customers, ensuring the evening's Left: Enjoying a
success. Thanks to all of the helpers, MeaLHigk Sckool Reli
gion teacker Mrs. Pan-
j Havana Harry's Night was a tremen-
zep, Higk Sckool Matk
i dous success!
teackers Mrs. Wood 1
and Mrs. Trujillo, and
Junior Higk Ertglisk |
teacker Mrs. Hatck Waj
for tkeir food
Left: Dancing tke Nigkt
Away! Junior Adrianna
Diaz and ker partner
entertain tke crowd
Rigkt: Let’s Get
Togetker! Juniors
Jennifer Villavicencio,
Cristina Mas, Car viila
Nevin, Alessandra
Alarcon, Emily
zie, and Terry
Vazguez all smile for
tke camera
274 ASevJn Tlgkt / Havana Harry’s