Page 281 - Carrollton 2004
P. 281
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| Coi i it I ei-cl cxkwkso from ToprUft Comtv:
j I op. Toys R Us! cSc’ilior.s get ir\ toiuk with tkotc innci^c l\iUl.
11 ppcr Middle. Oink! Sopkon tores Alexandra Vilkisante and
I Melissa I eniuridez of (lie Pkigy Pxuik group siililt* for die cantera.
I Lower Middle: Gatkec 'Round Senior Jennifer Fernandez cmd
Montessori students kave fun coloring,
j nollt )iu Lef (: Are you game? I liglli genders Zalun Bamcs. d asneen
I Campos. Abigail Boswell, and Nicolette Neves skow off tkeir Bopdt citti.
IP)eloW: I I le skit tkls year asked tke essential
question. *Wko stole Soj )ki.c bear? Tke Toys will find ker!
(Rigkt Page) Bottom Center. Beary (Hose: Senior Irene Morales, dress
i Soplue Bear, poses wltk ker lelloW bear friend.
Hello, Kitty! Tke Hello Kitty group gets togetker and skoWsI
,eir entkusiasm.
aer. Hop to It! TI xircl grader Mary Grace Darniody kops to tkl
misk line during tke Potato Sack Race.
Middl e: Musical Madness: Students dance around tke
kairs to music in a friendly game of Musical Ckairs!
pper Middle: Tutu Muck: Tecknology Administrator Alex
proudly displays kis fairs' costume,
op: Its Conge! Fourtk grade students Anamari Mesa, Katerina
i, and Sofia Lund are excited to kear tiuxt Conge kas finally
Toyland! Tke Senior Class dressed up in tkeir toy