Page 204 - Carrollton 2005
P. 204
Patricia Ferrari
July ■ 1987
Patty,Patri,Pata/o., .wow 13 years in the pink prison...lunch table crew I luv u!...C.S.A. .'.fate bite parties..weekends that never
control...foreign films ruie,.postal service..paaasta..stoopie... gasparillai...potter(wease|) m&ms,, epileptic skater girl...seizures in the...i d o *
i want...village green...ppl stare a lot...antes muerta que sencilla...feb 21 “ ..we lykweird music,,.dancing in my car...field day '04...the D.R..,ranffl
comments.Ju spk Spanish when i'm excited, pato t'estimo...snuffleufagous...strangeling.,es q...good ridejf
states for the past 3 years. ..smallville. ..scamp memories...big daddy friend the panda...always getting lost.. .jamming,the birk.went to
eckerds,many lsts...key biscayne... vale vale... puerto ricans...urbn... tacky bumper Stickers., i crashed my can.lfc crew, I miss u guys, craziness..e«
ncerts,stc shows rule,thetransit room,.arabian princess.,gypsies.,matheson ,.fairchild,.senioritis,,hea|th food,euroboys.,beach b lo n d e :.«
otoshoots,spain.,did u shower today., im not sure.,my mexican friend,, got lost in fira.,u can do itl.,yeaaa,,capitoline hill changed my ly f jo l
yea and vendors,,euro,,renzo,i'm addicted to coffee,carla and the boys,sushi...vegetarian rowers.,score!.,special ed,.it hurts my h e a rt.,m «
cuzin's hot?,.we nvr cafea/b wat ppl say., olsen twin mania ...answering machines, J ;am the cute one.,greece is a country?,.my argentiniai®
brother,,. techno,.bailando bailando amigos adios, adios en silencio loco!,.it is wat it is ,. doubling ...late night talks.,ur so emo,.losing my keys
at the beach, johnny's the best., my cuz nos o rli,,y o lo flipo.,Mami: tqm aunque te molesta muxisimo cuando hablo espanol xq no me puedlS
entender y uso mil jergasl,,Papi: tqm me has enesenado tanto, gracias por todo lo q haces.. .viki: I luv u even tho we're not that close nemorejB
tqm .,to the rest of my family: you're all crazy and I love you for it, we put the fun in dysfunctional.(for surel), thanx for always being there., M \w
CM, GM, VO, NM, MR, JO, CE, GM, EN, CL, EG, EN, CE, CR, LR, NP, and JM,,TQM thnx for all the crazy memories i love u guys, it's been a Ion®
crazy, and FUN ride.,Heres to the nights we felt alive, here's to the tears you knew you'd cry,Here's to goodbye,tomorrow's gonna come to o fll
soon,.que viva la noxe, .que viva el amor
204 Patricia Ferran