Page 208 - Carrollton 2005
P. 208
vSharyne Hider
April 15,1987
Shatyne, Shash, Sharnee, Sharnay, Sharno... Carrollton has given me 2 many names and memories! My
teachers: ur dedication, patience, and Idve has made me who 1am today. Seniors: TcOuldri't think Of a more
perfect class- u are amazing individuals and I will always cherish our memories, Amanda I: our random talks
and ventings.. .Caro V: my Ivy League sister... my little cousins stories... trying to shock me- we've had bumps
along the road but thanks for an amazing friendship and everlasting impact on me...CC: wheat-thinsl... giving
me cos... living at each other's houses... taxi days...Mas: ur Valentines day dinner ...Cami, Luci, Jen:.Hove
you girls...bday dinners,. Janeen: getting ready at my house for the Seacoast party... studying for midterms...
CGI class-ur amazing... Cesca& Nalisa: u girls are 2 funny! Debate memories& Halloween '04...Gaby D&
Jenny: surviving French class& senior projects.. Joey& Tash: mascararon my eyebrows.., NSYNC concert..,
Olga: my bubba... quince crew... endless chats... Pre-Cal 6th...Patty R: "the forbidden"... night at Opa...Debaters: I'll never forget our trips and
memories (and dumb comments) Cami, Frances: love you tonsl Sisi: my little me! Yvanna: my therapist... Christmas break '05... our dirtbags.. J
Natalie: ur long-lost sister (Meruelo #5)... Bahamas& Casa de Campo.., "bomb in the car"... debate partner,. ."Se7en'': became the solid 6.. .w d
dealt with the rumors with our heads held1high. boat days, ghetties, taking care of each other. ,,U grls have become my family... Luisa: our "fodl
days...dates at Sir Pizza... prank calling :ahem:.,."AS"... summer'02... Monica: my twin.,. Ares sister... shopping partner...Iunch& movie dates...Ga
Ivy League sis., .riding in the grove... random dentist visits...Cl Christmasbreak '04... Casa de Campo- ur my little sunshine and I will always aa
u... Laura: emotiohal risk-taker... my journal... "dirtbag"... the Keys '03.,. comforting each other- no words can ever describe my gratitude and It
for you; ur so special to me.,. Meli: my redjelly-bean.,. my lil Miss Mush... our double dates,,, "I would marry you",..special trips... my soul mag
my other '/z,.. my'angel- our bond is unshakeable and I'm confident we'll be by each other's side at 80... Soso: not else understands me like u -11
you! Nicole, Michou, Dedette: mes deuxidmes mamans.,. Mommy May: the best grandmother,.. Steph: as time goes on, our relationship on®
strengthens and 1(realize your value as a sister-1love you more than ull ever know! Mommy: ur my greatest inspiration and guide. I owe who I ai
today to you. Tu es les prunelles de mes yeux. Je t'adore plus que tout. Daddy: your unconditional love is invaluable. You've given me so much!
yourself and I am forever grateful. You two are God's greatest blessing <3