Page 205 - Carrollton 2005
P. 205

Katie Garcia

                 November 28,1986

   me nrst day or my life... I swear I was born right in the doorway,..I don't know w
  K  H   H  B   £  m S £ J i t  ■When the president talkS tG GGd- ■    the conversations brief or long? And

  we've sharerf      r    S -       "  ° Hhike? Whpn the president   t0 God...1hankyou friends for the

   r T h v l  rn            y° U  e SUnlight and air and thQUgh 1tru|y wish I  could keep hanging around
  . my oy is covering my soon I will disappear...I want to pledge allegiance to the county where I live  I don't want
  I exist  What woydmean‘'’   S ! Z 5 Q    °f Wr°ng   have t0   » *    so I do what I do and at
  R  M   M    f l  mean more than this? What would mean more? Mean more.. .But if everything that happens is
  lappen ng.. .Be a world child form a circle before we all fall under and fade out again and fade out aqain    immerse
                         by  ,one' ticking time bombs w on- lt,s not the secrets of the government that's keeping
  H a p h rt| the otber way around- wait what s that sound. One by one baby here they come.. .The Strokes  We
  right wing king making third world w a r... Le Tigre... Don't waste my time, this is it, this is really happening  Ryan
                  the pact that we made toc young to die but old as a grave... Kings of Leon  Let me qo oonnn
                l * * 4 Femmes-  This is a wasteland now...  It's a sentimental jury...And the makings of a good
  iaht? Rn C° me  h   me   ly' Ye3h yGuVe CGme tG hGld me tight ls thi$ motion everlasting?Or do shutters pass in
  M  in 'e Z ' H    f  t  a  in life- ThiS C0U,d b  e  sweetheart...I've had no sense o S    Since

  §2(39S flS H • Wa,t' they don 11love you llke 1love you.. .I've got a date with the night., .The Yeah Yeah Yeahs  You
  R                               HOt HothHeat" ' Dancin9 in the f l i g h t  (Emilio)... She'll buildyou up to
   tyou down- WHAT A CLOWN (cion),  cause everybody knows she's a femme fatale. ..The Velvet Underground and
  'eek^had^he^annpst d?1  k a Ib  WGn t Sf 0 us waving from such great heights...  don't wake me I planonsleetfng...
                            everythmg was exactly how it concerns about the world getting
  er  people thought they were just being rewarded.. .Postal Service... Where the tall stalks of grain lead me I'll never

  o on  Evew n°asqnnmm   SS|-kehP^ me   but 1never guite get it right. Waiting for tomorrow's next day to stop
  K     1   B     B          9 y° U With comPlete ,ove and hate and happiness and every emotional cliche in

  a dav I d e   A n T    h' f !   Y     time flGatS ° n f  steady boat 19r° w .  I grow old. And with each
  g day I die a little. And with each passing day I live a little...Katie Garcia        „    .
                                                                                        Katie  Garcia
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