Page 146 - Carrollton 1995
P. 146



              . The  Freshmen  Retreat  was
             held  on  October  20  and  21,
             1994 at the Youth Center near
            M ercy  H o sp ita l.  W ith  the
            theme of Unity/ the class had a
            s e rie s   o f  p re se n ta tio n s  by
            Seniors  Heather  Rothenberg,
            Pam Perez, Frances Pando and
            Kelly Patterson.  Mr.  John  Win­
            ters  who  spoke about  his  life
            as a handicapped person. With
            the  help  o f Sister  C ollesano
           and  Mrs.  Ortiz  the  Freshmen
           class  ended  this  experience
           with prayers, and everyone left
           with  a  n ew   a w a re n e s s   an d
           knowledge about themselves.
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