Page 147 - Carrollton 1995
P. 147
The Sophomore class gath
ered at the M anresa Retreat
House from Novem ber 30 to
D ecem ber 2, 1994 for their
annual retreat. Lorena Vollrath,
Dawn Lavender, Kristina Her
nandez, Ivette Villoldo, Ana
Fuentes and Melissa Gronlier
were some of the Seniors that
contributed to this spiritual
event. The focus of the Retreat
was on "Rumors". Ralph Villol
do, a S o p h o m o re at B elen
shared a personal experience
with the girls about how impor
tant second chances are. The
Retreat proved very effective in
relieving problems and enrich
in g the S o p h o m o re s with
insights and guidance.