Page 148 - Carrollton 1995
P. 148
The Juniors began their retreat at
the Youth Center which is located
next to the Mercy Hospital from
Novem ber 9 to Novem ber 11.
With the theme of Miscommuni-
cation, the Juniors had a chance
to share personal stories,
remember past adventures, and
explore their faith. Frances
Pando, Lorena Vollrath, Ana
Fuentes, Heather Rothenberg
and Aimee Ferrer helped Sister
Collesano conduct the retreat by
being group leaders, and giving
them talks on personal experi
ences. Jessica Lastra, Wendy
Charon, Ms. Papa and Ms. Fer
nandez also helped the retreat to
be possible. The Reconciliation
night led by Mr. Vega and Father
Pedro became the highlight of
the Retreat. The retreat proved
very effective in acknowledging
problem s and enriching the
Juniors with insights and guid