Page 176 - Carrollton 2015
P. 176
Honor (Societies
High School students are inducted into the following Honor Societies: the National Honor Society, the National English Honor Society, the National
Science Honor Society, the Chinese Honor Society, the French Honor Society, the Spanish Honor Society, the Thespian Honor Society, the TRI-M
Music Honor Society, and the Margaret Budenz Chapter of the National History Honor Society.
National Honor Society Student-led Service
By Erica Garcia ' 15
The National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationwide organization established to
recognize outstanding high school students who are models of scholarship, leadership,
service, and character. At Carrollton, its members have always participated in various
community service projects and this year,
the Carrollton Chapter of the National
Honor Society focused on the St. Alban's
Child Enrichment Center. Besides
fundraising in order to purchase school
supplies, that the: school lacks, members
conducted weekly science and music
classes at the school. In sharing their
time and knowlege with the students of
St. Alban's, the members of the N HS
were truly living out Goal III: “A social
awareness which impels to, action ."