Page 6 - New Year Refresher 2021
P. 6

KEY MESSAGE 8: Some children’s Executive Function Skills are weaker

        than other people of their age.

        This can be down to different reasons:

        ▪  Difficult past experiences mean their neural circuitry didn’t build as strongly

        ▪  Current difficult experiences mean high levels of stress prevent the part of the
            brain in control of these skills (pre-frontal cortex) from being fully activated.
        ▪  A neurodiverse profile (which may just be how they were born):

        KEY MESSAGES 9: Previous experiences make a big difference to how well
        some young people can manage stressors:

        Our Runway Model helps children (and adults) understand:

        ▪  How their history of stressors / wider stressors / immediate stressors and supports has

            affected the flight of their aeroplane from the very start
        ▪  How well the plane flies each day (how turbulent the air is around it) i.e. the current
            supports and stressors in their life at home and at school.
        ▪  What makes a difference in specific situations (who and what is in their cockpit).

                                                                     social and anti
            o  do  e kno   hat  cu s to fill  and  hat skills to build   hen e  loring incidents of anti
           learning behaviour in order to  ork out the best su  orts, strategies and skill building foci for a young  erson,  e
           need to consider three different levels
            .  istorical su  orts   stressors

            .  ider su  orts   stressors

            .  mmediate  u  orts    tressors

                                                                                      o  turbulent is the sky around the aircraft

                                                      o  smooth has the run ay of lifebeen so far

                                                                                                       hat  as going on in the cock it
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