Page 10 - Neurodiversity Awareness Session GW slides
P. 10

What is non-visible disability?

                               Applied                                  Clinical                     Acquired (transient)                     Acquired (chronic)

                       Dyslexia, Dyspraxia,                    ADD, ADHD, Autism,                   Temporary mental health                 Neurological illnesses or

                     Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia                    Tourette Syndrome                             conditions                             brain injury

                   • Born with condition                   • Born with condition                    • Cognitive deficits can               • Cognitive deficits

                   • Relates to applied                    • Relates to behavioural                    develop in response to                  develop in response to
                       educational skills such                 skills such as attention,               a health condition or                   a health condition or
                       as reading or motor                     self-control &                          injury                                  injury

                       control                                 communication                        • Potential to return to               • Potentially resolves as
                   • Not considered a                      • Considered a health                       ‘neurotypical’ as                       injury heals, or

                       health condition                        condition                               health improves                         worsens as health
                   • Diagnosed by a                        • Multi-disciplinary                     • Short-term support &                     deteriorates
                       chartered psychologist                  diagnosis with a                        adjustments required                • Usually long-term,

                                                               clinical psychologist or             • Impact of Covid-19                       requiring ongoing
                                                               psychiatrist                                                                    support & adjustments

                                                           • Occasionally includes
                                                               intellectual difficulties

                                                                                                                           Source: Weinberg and Doyle 2017: British Psychological Society
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