Page 11 - Neurodiversity Awareness Session GW slides
P. 11

Applied neurodiversity: Why the Dys…?

                                           The prefix Dys- comes from Greek. It is used most in medical or scientific words.

                                           It means bad or abnormal, e.g., if you have dyspepsia you have difficulty digesting your
                                           food. Similarly, people with dyslexia may have some difficulties with language or words.

           Dyslexia:                                                                                                            Dyspraxia:

           • Difficulties with reading, writing &                                                                               • Also known as DCD: developmental
               spelling; intelligence not affected                                                                                  co-ordination disorder

           • Challenges with verbal memory &                                                                                    • Affects co-ordination skills,  balance

               processing; impacts approximately                                                                                    & fine motor skills; impacts
               10% of adults                                                                                                        approximately 10% of adults

           Dyscalculia:                                                                                                          Dysgraphia:

           • Affects ability to acquire arithmetical                                                                             • Affects writing process, spelling,
               skills                                                                                                               legibility, word spacing & sizing

           • Difficulty understanding number                                                                                     • Impairs writing ability & fine motor
               concepts, facts & procedures;                                                                                        skills; impact estimated at 5-20%
               impacts 3-6% of adults                                                                                               of adults

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