Page 3 - Tracking Executive Function Skills Checklist
P. 3

Skills that support helpful (pro-social & pro-learning) Behaviours


     I can pay close attention to details.
     I can work accurately at a good speed – I rarely miss words or numbers when reading or writing things down.
     I can check my work for mistakes. I notice and correct any errors quickly and accurately.
     I can work accurately at the same speed as other people my age.
     I can complete a task in the expected amount of time. If this is hard for me, I am practising ways to increase my speed, bit by bit.
     I can read aloud at a good speed which is about the same as other people my age.
     I can make an accurate estimation on how long it will take to complete a task.
     I notice small social cues – ways in which people are communicating and letting me know how things are for them with their facial
     expressions, gestures and body movements, tone of voice and personal space.
     I notice important visual information such as notices, signs and posters.
     I notice changes in my environment.
     I can write at a good speed to get a task done in the time given. I can write at a speed which is about the same as others of my age.
     I can get dressed / changed at a speed about the same as others of the same age so I am ready in the time agreed.

     I can move my body quickly enough to catch or kick a ball.
     I can get my things together and be ready to leave in the time agreed and at the same sort of speed as other people my age.
     I can listen and make sense of information fast enough to make sense of it. If it gets too hard for me, I ask people to slow down
     I can make sense of what I am hearing fast enough to keep up with a conversation. If it gets too hard, I ask them to slow down.
     I can understand and follow instructions correctly. I ask for help if I’m not sure.
     I can understand and follow directions correctly. I ask for help if I’m not sure.
     I can retrieve facts from my memory to answer questions within the expected amount of time. If this is hard for me, I am practising ways to
     speed up, bit by bit.
     I can quickly recall and answer mathematical facts such as multiplication facts.
     I can listen and take notes, keeping up with the information being given. If it gets too hard for me, I ask people to slow down.
     I can think of ideas and explain them at the same speed as other people my age. If this is hard, I am practising ways to increase my speed and
     am speeding up, bit by bit.
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