P. 42
Planning & Sequencing
You explained that you can find getting started on things difficult because it
feels too big.
You noted that sometimes you can get bogged down in the detail.
We talked about ways to sequence and prioritise to reach a goal:
1. Decide exactly what you want to achieve (your goal) and write it on a post-it.
2. Put it on a wall and stand back (physically).
3. Write down ‘When’, ‘Who’, ‘Where’ etc. Place the questions around your goal.
4. Take one question at a time.
E.g. ‘Who do I want at Dungeons and Dragons’.
Let’s say you decide you want 6 people. Think through
different actions you could take to find 6 people.
Write each action on a post-it. Arrange the post-its in
order of what you will do first, next etc.
1. Repeat the above for each question.