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46 Deception at Work

Getting on the same wavelength
You can predict, more or less, how a person will react once you determine which hemisphere
is dominant and if you wish to create rapport with a left hemisphere driven, dreary and hu-
mourless accountant,4 you should try a logical, step-by-step unemotional approach. With an
arty, creative, right hemisphere inclined advertising executive, you should normally work on
a more visual, intuitive and emotional basis. If you try things the other way around, you are
unlikely to succeed. As we will see later, establishing rapport, or ‘getting on the same wave-
length’, is important.

You can establish rapport with anyone, if you try

Men and women
It may not be politically correct to repeat what scientists have said about the evolution of
male and female brains, but it is relevant. Men, traditionally, have been the hunters, gather-
ers and stalkers, and are very preoccupied with sex; while females have evolved as nurturers
and homemakers. Thus male and female brains have advanced in slightly different ways. It is
a physical reality that the corpus callosum (which acts as the conduit between the right and
left hemispheres of the brain) has a greater bandwidth in women than men.

A PROVEN FACT                                      result in what is known as ‘woman’s
                                                   intuition’. A male brain uses only four to
MRI scans reveal that between 14 and 16            seven areas for identical tasks because it
areas in both hemispheres of a female brain        has evolved for spatial tasks rather than for
are active when she is communicating               communication.5
face to face. These areas decode words,
note non-verbal communications and

    Women are thus hard-wired to multitask faster and more efficiently than men, process
seamlessly in both hemispheres of the brain and are more prepared to take emotional stimuli
on board. Men tend to be more pedantic and logical although, as in all walks of life, there are
exceptions to every rule.

    The term ‘opposite sex’ was not coined by accident


The brain is the ultimate in multitasking and multi-programming. It is like a giant committee
of the Women’s Institute when discussing whether to serve cream teas or muffins at the vil-
lage fete. All relevant sectors of the brain – logical, emotional, visual, sensory and so on – are
canvassed, in milliseconds, on what to make of a stimulus. Each involved area has an input
with the frontal lobes of the cerebrum normally trying to resolve disputes, before sending
signals to the motor cortex for action to be taken.

    It is generally believed that stuttering is caused through interference by the right hemi-
sphere in verbal construction and linguistics delivery handled primarily by the left. Similarly,

4 And believe it or not there are some like this!
5 See Why Men Lie and Women Cry, Allan and Barbara Pease, ISBN 0 75284 727 9
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