Page 102 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 102

The Human Mind 43

Table 3.1 Important elements of the human brain

Area of the brain Sub area                         Evolutionary What it does

                                       Forebrain or upper brain

Cerebral cortex                                                  Super fast transmission system
A thin sheath and                                                between most areas of the brain
other layers of
the cerebrum and

Cerebrum              Occipital Lobe               Human         Visual processing and some
The major part of     Temporal lobe                              memories
the brain – gives     Parietal lobe
humans ‘self-         Frontal                                    Sound and speech, spiritualism
awareness’ – or                                                  and some memories
consciousness         Motor cortex
Divided into two                                                 Movement, calculation,
hemispheres which                                                recognition and some memories
appear identical
but in fact operate                                              Integrated functions, thinking,
differently                                                      conceptualizing, also consciously
It controls impulses                                             processes emotion and stores
                                                                 some memories

                                                                 Handles bodily movement


Corpus callosum       Connects the left and right Human          A sheath-like membrane
Transmission          hemispheres                                connecting the two hemispheres
system                                                           of the brain

                                       Hindbrain or lower brain

Limbic system or      Known as ‘the little brain’  Mammalian     Directly connected to the cortex
cerebellum            Thalamus
Totally unconscious                                              The brain’s central switch
Creates impulses                                                 between the cortex and sensory
                                                                 organs. Also influences mood

                      Hypothalamus                               Adapts the body to the
                      Pituitary gland                            environment and its internal state

                      Hippocampus                                Lays down and controls long-
                                                                 term memory

                      Amygdala in the medial                     Deals with emotion and
                      temporal lobe                              especially fear. Acts as memory
                                                                 store for emotions

Brainstem             Connects the two cerebral    Reptilian     Handles transmissions to the
                      hemispheres to the spinal                  body, determines the brain’s
                      cord                                       level of awareness, regulates
                                                                 breathing, heart beat and blood
                                                                 pressure etc. Also directs most
                                                                 eye movements
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