Page 112 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 112
DON’T LIE The Human Mind 53
If you want to challenge a lie, you should practice, to be recognized as an embedded
emphasize the word TRUTH. This seems, in command.
The reptilian-mammalian heritage
Our reptilian and mammalian ancestors communicated primarily through body signals. Rita
Carter in Mapping of the Mind (ISBN 0520219376) states:
MAPPING OF THE MIND In this way Darwinian selection must
constantly have improved communications
Once, no doubt, all living things between individuals until some species
communicated only to the extent that they became adept at reading the slightest facial
reacted to changes in others’ behaviour or expression, body movement or visible
appearance in much the same way as they physiological change in others of their kind.
reacted to environmental signs. Those that
were good at reading these changes must Hominids, blessed with their free
have had a major advantage. If you react moving, flexible hands developed
to a neighbour’s reaction to a rustle in the gestures, which were supplemented by
bushes rather than hear the rustle itself, proper language some two million years
you speed up the process of fleeing from a ago. This gave humans the tool needed
potential predator. Similarly, those that gave to elevate themselves to a higher level of
big noticeable reactions must have given a consciousness … while still retaining many
survival benefit to those around them, so of the other forms of communication.
their genes were passed on preferentially.
Try describing a spiral without using your hands. It is also much easier to point to an object
rather than describe it. Thus body language is still an integral part of human communica-
tion and a lot of it is instinctive and unconscious. As we shall see later, body language is very
important in building rapport.
As finders of the truth we should be primarily concerned with four main aspects of non-
verbal communication:
• personal space;
• emblems;
• body language;
• facial expressions.
What we do about this form of communication is explained at page [xref] but first we should
have a basic understanding of its significance. Body language can be driven unconsciously by
the lower brain when it is really significant or consciously controlled, when it is less important.
We will describe later how conscious and unconscious non-verbal communications can be
profiled and how you should react.