Page 113 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 113

54 Deception at Work

Personal space

All people have an elliptical zone around their bodies, which their reptilian brain uncon-
sciously defines as their personal space and in which they feel comfortable (see Figure 3.4). It
is an embodiment of the inherited instinct to establish territorial possession.

    The phrase ‘Too close for comfort’ has a deep meaning as does ‘Looking over my shoulder’, ‘Keep
    at arm’s length’ or ‘Get out of my face’

    Remember the saying ‘Keep at arm’s length’

    People raised in large cities and in large families tend to be comfortable with smaller per-
sonal zones, but whatever their history the way a person stands or sits in relation to others is
part of his communications code. Research indicates that psychopaths and hardened crimi-
nals are very sensitive to violations of their personal space.

    Liars usually change their baseline communications code by trying to increase their per-
sonal space by:

• moving their body away from the interviewer;
• leaning backwards and especially towards the nearest door;
• moving their chair away from the interviewer;
• walking around.

They may also sit with their legs in a position to make a run for the door.


Bill Jones walks into your office and you      increase his personal space should alert you
guide him to a chair, which he immediately    to the possibility that he intends to mislead
pulls away from you. This deliberate move to  you or, at least, sees you as an opponent.

                                              High sensitivity

Figure 3.4 Personal space
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