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176 Deception at Work


Do not discuss suspicions with anyone who does not have an immediate need to know. It may
be repugnant, but you should assume collusion by at least one management level above the
suspect’s and that even honest managers may resist an investigation.


An undercover investigation in a                 division of the spoils, so the fraud had to
multinational company revealed that              be perpetuated to enable those involved to
unexplained losses were due to an entire         keep their jobs. If any new recruits showed
country’s sales force systematically             signs of honest reluctance to participate,
defrauding its customers. Periodically,          they failed their probation. There was
salesmen were the subjects of complaints by      no evidence that the subsidiary’s top
suspicious customers. The result would be        management were involved in the fraud, but
promotion for the individuals concerned, so      they knew something was wrong.
that they were kept away from hostilities in
the field. Coincidentally, the complainants          Their reluctance to investigate was caused
received the impression that the salesmen        by fear of adverse publicity and its effect on
had been disciplined because they no longer      their careers. They were replaced and the
saw them. Supervisors and intermediate           investigation was commenced. It did finish
managers demanded their share in a weekly        their careers, but only because they were
                                                 too weak to initiate it.

A little paranoia did no one any harm


The safe course is to assume that your initial suspicions are true or even worse than they
currently appear. You should not panic or rush to take action, but assemble your ideas and
resources so that you can take the suspects by total surprise at the first step.

A BAD CASE OF LEAKAGE                            confirmation of his suspicions which he
                                                 could see were unjustified. Six months later
One auditor was worried that his findings         the sales manager had joined a competitor
seemed to implicate a sales manager in           and was systematically targeting his former
conflicting interests. To verify his suspicions,  customers. Eventually it emerged that
he checked whether the customer master           he had programmed the computer to
file had been printed recently and contrary       warn him if the customer master file was
to normal practice. He found that it had         interrogated. The email was untrue and its
been – by the sales manager. The following       wide distribution was no accident.
day, the entire sales force received an email
from their manager explaining changes in            The subsequent investigation proved
the allocation of accounts which he had          that he had stolen proprietary information.
decided upon after studying the customer         Court injunctions were obtained to stop him
master file.                                      and his new employer using it. However,
                                                 much damage could have been prevented if
   He had evidently miskeyed because             the auditor had been less anxious to confirm
the email was received by everyone, not          his suspicions.
just the sales department. However, the
auditor was pleased that he had sought
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