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Planning Investigations and Legal Background for Tough Interviews 181
• telephone books and Yellow Pages;
• indices of national and local newspapers and trade journals;
• press reports and especially ‘Reuters Business Briefing’.
Again, make absolutely sure that checking does not alert the suspects
A basic check showed that a suspect had rally car and his expenses sponsored by a
been approved for a gold credit card customer. In both cases, the suspects were
issued in the name of one of his employer’s given the opportunity to volunteer their
suppliers. In another case, a routine check benefits and failed to do so. Both were
of the local press library revealed that the eventually prosecuted for corruption.
suspect had been provided with a £100,000
Review and collate the evidence
Consider what evidence might be available to prove the worst case including that listed in
Table 5.9.
Table 5.9 Potential sources of information
Potential sources of Purpose/significance How and when
intelligence and evidence obtained
Access logs to premises For the diary of events Internal
For comparison with expense statements Planning stage
Accounts held at retail stores Signs of overspending Seizure Orders
by the suspect
Check that private purchases have not been paid First step
for by the company
Accounts payable Check against the suspect’s expense statements Internal
All invoices approved by the To identify personal purchases charged to the Planning stage
suspect company
Address books (written and Identify main/regular contacts Covert search
Planning stage
computerized) Trace bank accounts and other assets
Aircraft log books (private Free travel provided to the suspect and others Discovery
jets) Identify travelling companions Follow-up
Airline club mileage Signs of overspending Covert search
statements Check against expenses Planning stage
Check against travel agency invoices
Application forms (any Log information Internal
Planning stage
completed by the suspect for Note inconsistencies
any purpose)