Page 185 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 185

186 Deception at Work

Potential sources of         Purpose/significance                         How and when
intelligence and evidence                                                obtained

References from past         Check authenticity                          Personnel files
                             Consider the liability of the referee for providing Planning stage

                             inaccurate references

References for other people  To identify close associates                Personnel files
provided by the suspect      Check the companies concerned against       Planning stage
                             accounts payable and receivable lists

Safe deposit keys and        To identify hidden assets                   Covert search
receipts                     To track stolen funds                       Planning stage

Scrap disposal records       Check the legitimacy of approvals by the    Internal
                             suspect for the disposal of company assets  Planning stage

Share dealing and            For signs of overspending                   Public records
stockbroker records          To trace assets                             Covert search
                                                                         Planning stage

Shorthand notebooks          Reconstruct all correspondence              Covert search
                                                                         Planning stage

Shredder used by the         Reconstruct contents                        Covert search
suspect                                                                  Trash search
                                                                         Planning stage

Tachometer records in        For the diary of events                     Internal
company vehicles used by     Identify and explain missing records        Planning stage
the suspect

Tape recorders used by the   Reconstruct all correspondence and          Covert search
suspect                      conversations                               Planning stage

Tax returns submitted by the For comparison against asset lists          Discovery
subject                      For signs of fraud and illegal income

Taxi billing records         For the diary of events                     Covert search
                             Check against expense statements            Expenses
                                                                         Planning stage

Telephone answering          Reconstruct all messages                    Covert search
machines                                                                 Planning stage

Telephone call logs          Schedule                                    Internal
                             Add to the diary of events                  Planning stage
                             To identify regular contacts

Telephone directories        Confirm telephone numbers and address        Public record
                                                                         Planning stage

Telephone memories           Print out autodial lists                    Covert search
                             To identify regular contacts                Planning stage

Telephones: portable         Check as above
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