Page 186 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 186
Planning Investigations and Legal Background for Tough Interviews 187
Potential sources of Purpose/significance How and when
intelligence and evidence See ‘Fax billing rccords’ above obtained
See ‘Manuals used by the suspect’ above
Telex memories and billing Internal
records Planning Stage
Training manuals Internal
Planning Stage
Trash (search) Everything!
Travel agent’s invoices Check against expense statements Planning Stage
For the diary of events
Vehicle maintenance records For signs of fraud Planning stage
For the diary of events
Video archives Public places Planning stage
Visitors’ books To identify close associates Internal
For the diary of events Planning stage
Voicemail For the diary of events
Associates Internal
Wall charts and display For evidence of fraud Planning stage
Waste bins Recover all discarded documents Internal
Planning stage
Wills and trust documents To identify hidden assets
Cover search
Planning stage
Trash search
Planning stage
Covert search
Planning stage
Consider the way such information might be obtained before or when taking the first
Remember, it is not the evidence you have which is important but the evidence the suspect
believes you might be able to get
Minor breaches of procedures, incorrect application forms, previous false explanations, abuse
of discretion and errors or expense fiddles should be identified, catalogued and summarized
on single sheets of paper as ‘key points’. These may be used during the interview to demon-
strate to the suspect that, whether he admits to the more serious matters or not, he is already
exposed to censure and this may lead him to conclude that he has little to lose in leading you
to the deep truth.