Page 189 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 189

190 Deception at Work

functions for calculating the day of the week (DOW) from any date, and superb sorting and
analysis tools. It is also extremely important in interviews and enables you to quickly check
and cross reference explanations given by the suspect.


Again, from the earliest moments, you should prepare a schedule summarizing all of the de-
tail on people and organizations potentially involved and keep it updated as the case moves
forward (see Table 5.11).

Table 5.11 Nominal summaries

Name              Address            Role  Relationships    Comments
Date of birth     Telephone Nos6
                                           Buyer            Aged 45, Heavy
William J. Smith  53 Acacia Avenue         Husband of Jane  build, dark hair,
Known as ‘WJ’     Slough SL34              Robbins          glasses (see Photo 1)
Born 1.2.1969     01444.577697 (H)
                  07723456 (Mobile)

Peter A. Mesat    Not known                Truck driver
Born 12.12.1964

    In complex cases, you should consider representing this data on a link analysis chart (see
www or keeping all of the information on a customized program such as the excel-
lent Case Map (see


Examine the evidence and the intelligence that has led to the suspicions and fully understand
them. Pay particular attention to the key points that suggest the suspect’s responsibility. Make
sure your conclusions are correct; look for alternative explanations; pay close attention to

    Summarize each key point on a single sheet of paper that can be presented to the suspect
during the interview (see page [xref]). The more documented key points you have, the easier
the interview will become.

Develop a fraud theory

Before any interview takes place, you should have the clearest understanding of what you
believe has happened and why, and why other things that might have happened didn’t.

6 In practice telephone numbers would be shown in a separate column
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