Page 184 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 184

Planning Investigations and Legal Background for Tough Interviews 185

Potential sources of        Purpose/significance                            How and when
intelligence and evidence                                                  obtained
Note pads
                            Explain everything                             Covert search
Overtime records            Consider an electrostatic document analysis    Trash search
Pagers and billing records  (ESDA) examination                             Planning stage
Parking tickets
                            For the diary of events                        Internal
Passports                   Check against expenses                         Planning stage

Paying in books on the      For the diary of events                        Internal
suspect’s accounts          Identify close associates                      Planning stage
Personal computers (PCs)
Personnel files              For the diary of events                        Trash search
                            To identify close associates                   Covert search
Petty cash records          Check vehicle registration numbers             Planning stage

Photocopy billing records   For the diary of events                        Covert search
Photographs                 Check against expenses                         Discovery
                            Check personal data                            Any stage
Planning permissions
Press databases and other   Identify cash deposits                         Covert search
public records              Check against the diary of events              Planning Stage
Purchase invoices
                            Vital in all respects                          Covert search
                            Check everything                               Planning stage

                            Check against all application forms            Internal
                            Confirm personal details                        Planning stage
                            Identify close associates
                            Identify and check out the employers of close
                            family members
                            Note wife’s maiden name and check out her

                            For the diary of events                        Internal
                            Track personal purchases booked to the         Planning stage
                            For signs of other fraud

                            To identify theft of customer lists etc.       Internal
                                                                           Planning stage

                            To identify expensive assets (boats etc.)      Covert search
                            To identify close associates                   Planning stage
                            Compare with the diary of events

                            For spending on the employee’s home            Public records
                            For signs of bribery                           Planning stage

                            Check the suspect’s name against these         Public records
                            Especially ‘Reuters Business Briefing’          Planning stage

                            See accounts payable for items approved by the Internal

                            suspect                                        Planning stage
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