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P. 280

Conducting Tough Interviews 281

  Example : ‘Our investigations will be completed in a couple of days and I will not be able to see
  you again. This is your best chance of getting this sorted out now … so how can we get some
  of the money back?’


Now comes the really tricky bit. Your initial reaction to an admission of a deep truth may be
one bordering on euphoria, but this is the last thing you should show. You must treat even the
most damning or dreadful admissions and confessions in a low-key and unemotional way and
then probe, as a nurturing parent, for corroborating detail. The more detail you can get, the less
likely it is the confession will be withdrawn or that you will be attacked in the witness box, or
elsewhere, for giving a misleading account of what was said. Corroborating detail may include
why the person did something one way rather than another; how he felt at the time; by recover-
ing tangible evidence; or by noting something known only to the perpetrator. You must take
your time obtaining this detail and getting to the deep truth. It is always time well spent.

    Always probe for more detail of the worst case

    You may also invite the suspect to make a written statement, apologize to his manager, or
write a letter: again this will serve as corroboration of his confession. Finally, you must handle
the suspect fairly. He has placed a great deal of trust in you by telling you the truth and you
must not betray it.

Getting to the deep truth – Phase F


This phase is where the really good interviewers earn the pittances they are paid. It is all about
getting to the deep truth and finding out everything that could be relevant. Both you and
the suspect should be totally on the same wavelength and you must take limitless time.5 You
have three objectives:

• to obtain a detailed, accurate confession which the suspect will find impossible to retract;
• to find out about other matters;
• to identify ways of getting your money back.

It is critical that you do not rush or become judgemental or assertive. You are now in the role
of a nurturing parent and the suspect an adaptive child and you must really believe this and
become totally empathetic.


There is no doubt that some people (although it is fairly rare) confess to things they did not
do. There are various reasons for this including attention-seeking, the Freudian thatanos death

5 If criminal prosecution is an objective and you have not already cautioned the suspect it is far too late, you have
destroyed the case and your only option is to apply to become an accountant
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