Page 282 - Deception at work all chapters EBook
P. 282
Conducting Tough Interviews 283
When all aspects of the fraud have been covered, ask the suspect if he would like to make a
written statement. You may say: ‘To avoid any misunderstanding over what you have told
me, I would like to record the main points in writing. Would you like to make a written state-
ment?’ The statement should then be taken down at the suspect’s dictation; he should not be
prompted, although questions to remove any ambiguities may be asked. He should be asked
to read through the statement and should initial all alterations.
The suspect should write and sign the following declaration at the end of the statement:
Example. ‘I have read the above statement and I have been told that I can correct, alter or add
anything I wish. This statement is true, I have made it of my own free will.’
If the suspect refuses to sign this declaration, a note should be made of the circumstances
surrounding the refusal. The note should be signed by you and by any witnesses to the inter-
Compliment the suspect on his courage in admitting to his mistakes, then ask:
‘Is there anything else that we should get cleared up now?’
Emphasize that all sympathy for the suspect will be lost if he is not totally honest.
Example : ‘Bill, I know this has been very difficult and I appreciate your being frank with me. I
have to check out some of the things you have told me and we may need to meet again. Will
that be OK? You can also telephone me at any time if there is anything else you want to say or
if you have problems.’
You should plan to close the interview with an agreement that you might wish to see the
suspect again.
This sort of agreement will make it less likely that the suspect will refuse to see you later on.
Also, always try to leave the suspect some small task to do, like finding papers, or returning
property. This will provide a good reason for keeping your communications channels open.
Things to avoid at all costs
There are a number of things that you must avoid at all costs. There are two reasons for this.
The first is that they are improper and may lead to the creation of fear and false admissions.
The second is that you will not be able to defend them honestly if the case comes to court.