Page 159 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 159


            Pre-Action Costs              16/06/2014 SMB          Grade A    Letter To Sigve Solheim reporting conversation with     0.03   £390.00      £11.70
                                                                             insurer/Defendant today.
            Solicitor/ Client Only Costs   16/06/2014 5MB         Grade A    Regulatory/compliance-irrecoverable.  Note of meeting on   0.80   £0.00      £0.00
                                                                             11.6.14 when signing CFA
            Solicitor/ Client Only Costs   16/06/2014 5MB         Grade A    Regulatory/compliance:  completing compliance information   0.20   £0.00     £0.00

            Pre-Action Costs              16/06/2014 SMB          Grade A    Telephone calls to Diamond Insurance.  Speaking to two   0.30   £390.00    £117.00
                                                                             different people before being transferred to the Claims
                                                                             Department and Jo Goldring who is the Claims handler.  She
                                                                             confirmed they have a claim set up.  they have taken a
                                                                             statement from their insured (Emma curran) and are in the
                                                                             process of completing their liability investigations at present.
                                                                             They are waiting for a report from an accident investigator
                                                                             as there was no police attendance report.  They haven't had
                                                                             this back yet.  She was not prepared to confirm at present
                                                                             that liability would be admitted as this is outstanding.  Her
                                                                             direct dial number is 03303335526 extension 41139  Claim
                                                                             Reference number:  304261223  Post: Diamond Insurance
                                                                             Claims Department  capital Tower  Grey Friars Road  Cardiff
                                                                             CF103AZ  I said I would write to notify her formally of our
                                                                             interest on behalf of Sigve Solheim.

            Pre-Action Costs              23/06/2014 KEA          Grade B    File Administration - KEA reading into file.             1.00    £0.00       £0.00

                                                                              Bates Number000159
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