Page 164 - Disclosure List and Bundle to HFC_Neat
P. 164
Witness Statements 05/08/2014 KEA Grade B E-mails to client 0.10 £270.00 £27.00
Witness Statements 05/08/2014 KEA Grade B Drafting - updating statement 0.70 £270.00 £189.00
Issue/ Statemen ts of Case 07/08/2014 KEA Grade B E-mails to client 0.10 £270.00 £27.00
Pre-Action Costs 07/08/2014 KEA Grade B Telephone calls to Joanne Goulding. She adv they are not 0.10 £270.00 £27.00
intending to admit liability at this stage and will not release
the accident report as that is prejudiced to their client. Adv
we have been corresponding with them since mid-June and
have given opportunity to admit liability. Adv we will begin
our investigations and do letter of claim.
Disclosure 08/08/2014 AXC Grade D Drafting disbursement invoice for payment to Queen 0.30 £165.00 £49.50
Victoria NHS trust.
Disclosure 08/08/2014 AXC Grade D Drafting disbursement form and sending email to cashiers. 0.30 £165.00 £49.50
Witness Statements 11/08/2014 KEA Grade B Drafting - amending statement 0.30 £270.00 £81.00
Witness Statements 11/08/2014 KEA Grade B E-mails to client 0.20 £270.00 £54.00
Witness Statements 11/08/2014 KEA Grade B E-mails to client 0.10 £270.00 £27.00
Witness Statements 12/08/2014 KEA Grade B E-mails to client 0.10 £270.00 £27.00
Witness Statements 12/08/2014 KEA G r ade B E-mails 0.10 £270.00 £27.00
Witness Statements 12/08/2014 KEA Grade B E-mail to client 0.10 £270.00 £27.00
Disclosure 12/08/2014 AXC Grade D Drafting letter requesting medical records to Ms S a skia 0.30 £165.00 £49.50
Disclosure 12/08/2014 AXC Grade D Drafting letter to Queen Victoria Hospital enclosing fee to 0.30 £165.00 £49.50
obtain the medical records.
Disclosure 12/08/2014 AXC Grade D Drafting letter to Mr Tony McG illigan requesting o u tpatient 0.30 £165.00 £49.50
medical records.
Disclo sure 13/08/2014 AXC G r ade D Drafting letter enclosing fee for Dr Miller. 0.40 £165.00 £66.00
Disclosure 13/08/2014 'Axe Grade D Drafting disbursement form for cashier but interrupted as no 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
mention o f who the cheque is payable to.
i Disclosure 13/08/2014 AXC Grade D Telephone calls to Mcindoe clinic to find out who the 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
cheque is payable to.
l Disclosure 13/08/2014 AXC Grade D Telephon e calls to Sussex Audiology to confirm that we had 0.10 £165.00 £16.50
I received the records.
Expert Reports 13/08/2014 KEA Grade B Planning evidence 0.20 £270.00 £54.00
Witness Statements 13/08/2014 jTJD Grade A Plan ning I 0.30 £400.00 £120.00
Solicitor/ Client Only Costs 14/08/2014, KEA Grade B Telephone calls from Katie Newbury- see note 0.10 £0.00 £0.00
Bates Number000164