Page 116 - MJC submissions
P. 116

Analysis of MSDC District Plan of March 2018
                                                                        New DwelUng Targets In Neighbourhood Plans

                                                                 Statistics                Spatial Distribution Table             Detailed Chart
             Category   Made        Settlement
                                                     Area (Ha)   Population   Density-Ha   To2031   Minimum   Total Category   Minimum to   To 2024   Commitments   Residual from   Per ha
                                                                  2001                        Residual            2031             April 2017   2017   to2031
                  1   Yes   Bul'l!es, Hill                 947       28,803      30.42                               5,697   3,351      5,697     N/a     6.02
                  1   Yes   East Grinstead                2,443      23,942       9.80                               2,445   1,020      1,300    1,145    1.00
                  1   Yes   Havward, Heath                 975       22,800      23.38                               2,511   1,403      2.385     127     2.58
                           Total Category 1               4,365      75,54S      17.31   10,653   1,272             10,653   S,774      9,382    1,272    2.44
                  2   Draft   Copthorne (In  Worth Parifh)                                                            437    228         388       49
                  2   Yes   Crawley Down (In  Worth Pari,h)                                                           437    228         388       49
                  2   Yes   Cuckfleld                      432        3,266       7.57                                320     125        120      200     0.74
                  2   Yes   Cuckfield Rural               3.869       1,574       0.41                                                                    0.00
                  2   Submitted  Hassocks & Kevmer        1,088       6,821       6.27                                882     519        882              0.81
                  2   Yes   Hurstoiemoint & Lindfield     2,030       6,364       3.09                                359     211        359              0.18
                  2   Yes   Lindfield                      224        5.394      24.07                                571     190         31      540     2.S5
                  2   Yes   lindfie Rural (Inc Scaynes Hill   1,981   2,644       1.33                                                                    0.00
                           Total Cat-= 2                  9,624      26,063       2.71   3,005    838               3,006    1.501      2.168     838     0.31
                  3   Yes   Alboume                        773        600         0.78                                57      21          16       41     0.07
                  3        Ardin2lv                       1,609       1,833       1.14                                73      31          44       29     0.05
                  3   Yes   Ashurst Wood                   251        1,771       7.05                                102     60          l02      0      0.41
                  3   Yes   Balcombe                      2,105       1,765       0.84                                79      34          49       30     0.04
                  3   Yes   Bolnev                        1,479       1,209       0.82                                113     48          64       49    0.08
                  3        Handcross                                                                                   0       0          0
                  3   Submitted  Horstead Keynes          1,581       1,507       0.95                                69      25          16       53    0.04
                  3        Pease Potta:Jle                                                                           929      546        929
                  3        l�ersCommon                                                                                63      27          40       23
                  3        I Scavnes HIii  (In Lindfield Rural Plan)                                                 462     272         462
                  3        Sha..-home                                                                                 43      21          54
                  3   Yes   Turners Hill I& West Hoathlev)   1,390    1,849       1.33                                167     71          96              0.12
                      Yes   West Hoathlev                 2.139       2,121       0.99                                43      21          36       8     0.02
                           Total Cat-= 3                  11.327     12,655       1.12   2,200    311               2,200    1,177      1,908     233     0.19
                  4   Yes   Anstev  (In Stapleford Plan)                                                              S4      32          54
                  4   Yes   Staplefleld (With An,tey Plan)                                                             3       2          3
                  4   Draft   SlauRham                    2,432       2.226       0.92                                 0       0          0              0.00
                  4        Twlneham and Waminglid                                                                     25       9          6        19
                  4        Twineham                        784         271        0.35                                                                   0.00
                  4        Wamln2lid                                                                                   0       0
                           Total Cate2orv 4               3,216      2,497        0.78     82      19                 82      43          63       19    0.03
                  5        Birch Grove
                  s        Brook Street
                  5        Hlckstead
                  s        Hlghbook
                  s        Walstead
                           T Olal Category 5  (Hamlets)
                           Windfall                                                       450                        450
                           GRAND TOTAL (Per Wlki)        33,403     129,361       3.81   16,390   2,440             16,391   8,495      13,521   2,362   0.49
                           Fu/king                         628         250        0.40
                           Newtimber                       695         96         0./4
                           Povnin2s                        666         287        0.43
                           IPvecombe                       887         200        0.23
                      Draft   Worth (Are Coothorne & Craw/ev Down!   1.995   9.888   4.96
                           Padshes from  Wild

                                                                          Sheet1E:\Cobasco\Personal, House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Oevelopment\MJC Plans theories and Objectlves\Spreadsheets\MJC reconciliation of MSDC targetsSheetl
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