Page 117 - MJC submissions
P. 117

Analysis of MSDC District Plan of March 2018
                                                                       New Dwelling Targets In Neighbourhood Plans

                                  Category        Settlement c:h.racterisiics .and function   Settements
                                  C.11te90ry 1    Settlement. with a comprehens� range of   Burgess Hi II, East Grinstead.
                                                  e-•oyment. retail, health, education leisurl!   Haw.a.-cls Heath
                                                 services and facilities. These settlements
                                                 wil I also benefit from good public transport                          P  e 36 MSDC
                                                 provision and will act as a main se-rviee
                                                 centre for the smaller settlements.
                                  Cate90ry2      Larger viUage,s acting as Local Se:JYice   Copthome. Crawley Down.
                                                 Centres providing key se J YiceS in the rural   Cuckfield. Hassocks and
                                                 area of Mid Sussex. These settlements s-erve­  Keymer. Hurstpiupoint and
                                                 the wider hinte r land and bene:fit from a good   Lindfield
                                                 range of services and facilities, including
                                                 employment opponities and accss to
                                                 public �sport.
                                                 Medium sized villages providing e,swntial   Al boume. Ardingly. Ashurst
                                                 services for the ne-eds of their own resident's   Wood, Balcombe, 8-olne-y,
                                                 and immediate surrounding communities.   Handcross. Horsted Keynes,
                                                 Whil-st more limited. these can include ke-y   Pease Pottage, Sayers
                                                 services such as primary schools, shops,   Common,  Scayne-s Hill.
                                                 recreation am:i QOmmun ity facilities, often   Sharpthome, Turners Hill and
                                                 shared with nei  hbouri n  settlements.   West Hoathl
                                                  Small villages with limited servces often only  Ansty, St.aplefield. Slaugham,
                                                 se<JYing the settlement itself.       11  ·neham and WaminoJid
                                                 These sm.1 I settlements have very limited orr   Hamlets such as Birch Grove,
                                                 noservi�s.                            Brook Street, H ickstead,
                                                                                       Highbrook and W.alstead.

                                                                          SheetlE:\Cobasco\Personal,  House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC Plans theories and Objectives\Spreadsheets\MJC reconciliation of MSOC targetsSheetl
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