Page 207 - MJC submissions
P. 207

9 Ashbourne House
                                                       Lewes Road
                                                      East Grinstead
                                                        RH19 3TB
                                                Telephone 01342 312050

                                                                                        7  December 2018

               Dear Mr Ashcroft,
               ASHURST WOOD VILLAGE PLAN 2016 & Planning Applications

               I am writing you – in your capacity as the Independent Examiner of the Ashurst Wood
               Neighbourhood Plan (AWNP) - to intervene in a problem that is heading towards a Judicial
               Review, action for Misfeasance in Public Office, Human Rights violations and other litigation.
               All can be avoided by common sense and fairness: if people would only listen.
               I provide:

                   •  PART A: Introduction and background

                   •  PART B: Policies etc
                   •  PART B: A brief chronology

                   •  PART C:Application Pr

                   •  PART D:
               A copy of your report is at Attachment 1 and Attachment 2

               I have made detailed submissions - evidencing serious process breaches - to Ashurst Wood
               Village Council (AWVC) and Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC). I am not – by any stretch - a
               planning expert, but  “You don’t need to be a weather man to know which way the wind
               blows”. Neither is it necessary to be a town planner to know that MSDC-AWVC relationship
               is a dog’s dinner. In fact, it’s a national disgrace and an example of bureaucracy gone mad.
               I will not trouble you with anything that is not directly relevant to the current problem. I
               apologise for the length of this letter, but the devil is in the detail.

               A  QUALIFICATIONS
               Clear from the outset that not criticising AVC.. in fact the work of its councillors and planners
               exceptionalo  Unquestionaby has the interests of the village heart--- volunteers--- best they
               MSDC paid professionals                                                                            Page 1

               E:\Cobasco\Personal,  House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC
               Plans theories and Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\4a Mr Ashcroft 7th Dec
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