Page 209 - MJC submissions
P. 209
• Recent planning approvals in Post Code RH19 TB = 7.5 DdHa
• The average of xxx other sites assessed the AWVC Steering Group =5.29Ddha (See
Attachment xx)
4. AHL has been reluctant to discuss, let alone admit, the integrated scheme. However, the
company is believed to own, or have options to buy, all of the land necessary and
approval from their American shareholders to proceed. Wedalt --- aaaa WH --- declined --
--- delayed to 2020 and also more than coy.
5. AWVC has objected to the current application while MSDC appears determined to
approve it. Neither council has shown any meaningful interest in the integrated scheme,
although they are fully aware of it.
6. The evidence set out below (and in my submissions to MSDC HERE) indicates that the
• Miscalculated the potential housing capacity of Site 13 (WH:EDF and ASW Policy 9) as
“50+” units when it should have been no greater than 23 units (@28DdHa);
• Evaluated only 0.08 hectares of the Northern Car Park of Site 14 (WH:LIC and ASW
Policy 10): which had been mistily conceived as a “rural exception site” for 5 to 6
units), but rejected it. It was not included in AWNP or lawfully allocated it (see
paragraph xx).
I have brought the apparent defects in the AWNP to the attention of AWVC and MSDC,
but neither has been willing to discuss them. The former has denied that there are any
errors, while stating that correction is impossible, and that everything can be resolved at
the application stage. MSDC has continued to play a game of hardball.
7. I have pointed out that the problem is not one dimensional. If my analysis – that AWNP is
knowingly unsound or unlawful - is correct it is unfair for the developer to be misled into
believing the integrated development will be approved.
8. I contend that the planned, non-compliant developments are the antithesis of
sustainability and will destroy the distinctive characteristics, amenity and vision of Ashurst
Wood forever. Even the town planners and architects retained by the developers admit
that the proposed designs are “utilitarian”, tailored for a “starkly urban” environment and
create an “urbs in rure. If this lapse into Latin is not confirmation that the intention is to
build a city in the country, nothing is.
9. The Design and Access Statement (LINK) illustrates a typical elevation as follows:
Page 3
Figure 1
E:\Cobasco\Personal, House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC
Plans theories and Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\4a Mr Ashcroft 7th Dec