Page 212 - MJC submissions
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compliance with planning policies and principles, massive variations in capacity or
                       DdHa xxxx for a subsequent application would be exceptional.  And SHLAA

                   •  Capacity and its pseudonyms  does not mean “minimum expectations”------ or
                       mandatory minimums
                   •  The presumption in favour of developments does not extend to applications not in a
                       made plan.  Such applications start from scratch and must be demonstrably sustainable
                       and conform to all other planning principles;

                   •  Made plans are plan led to ensure the right dwellings are built  in the right places and
                       justified by an OAN…..

               8.  The metric of dwellings per hectare (DdHA) is a basic, but realistic, guide to housing
                   density and an application’s ability “to integrate into the prevailing character of the

                   •  Generally, DdHa is higher in urban than in rural environments. Over the past few
                       years, applications for urban developments throughout the UK have been approved at
                       an average of 30DdHa;

               9.  For the current application there are two important and accepted principles. The first is
                   that Ashurst Wood is a small rural village in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty,
                   protected by an array of EU environmental and design standards. The second is that
                   developments must be sustainable retain the distinctiveness and characteristics of the
                   village by preserving its historic and environmental features.
               10. Your, excellent report states in paragraph 6.8:

                       “At a more practical level the NPPF indicates that plans should provide a clear
                       framework within which decisions on planning applications can be made and that
                       they should give a clear indication of how a decision-maker should react to a
                       development proposal (paragraphs 17 and 154).
                       This was reinforced with the publication of Planning Practice Guidance in March 2014.
                       Its paragraph 41 (41-041-20140306) indicates that policies in neighbourhood plans
                       should be drafted with sufficient clarity so that a decision-maker can apply them
                       consistently and with confidence when determining planning applications. Policies
                                                                                                                  Page 6
                       should also be concise, precise and supported by appropriate evidence.

               E:\Cobasco\Personal,  House and computer instructions\EDF and WH Development\MJC
               Plans theories and Objectives\CONSOLIDATED SUBMISSIONS\4a Mr Ashcroft 7th Dec
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