Page 7 - E-Biology Sec.2 2024-2025 U1_Handy
P. 7
b) Hair:
? It consists of a hair follicle surrounded by blood capillaries.
? It is supplied with erector muscle to move it when it contracts.
? There is a sebaceous gland at its end secretes oily secretion to:
“facilitate its exit and keep it soft and pliable”
c) Sensory nerve endings:
? They respond to touch, pain, pressure and temperature.
“Tactile corpuscle is a sense organ of flattened cells & encapsulated nerve
ending as a touch receptor”
• Secreting sweat increases in summer due to
that the high temperature wide the blood
capillaries activating the sweat glands, so
the urination process decreases.
• Washing the wastes are produced on the
skin is necessary as they stick and block the
sweat pores (foul odor)
Second Term