Page 8 - E-Biology Sec.2 2024-2025 U1_Handy
P. 8

L2: Excretion in man (Kidney and Liver)

2- Human Urinary System

The system that clarifies blood from the nitrogenous wastes,
excess salts & excess water and expels them in the form of urine.

Location: It lies in the abdominal cavity near the backbone.


 Renal artery carries the                            Renal vein carries the pure blood
 blood with nitrogenous                             is filtered by the two kidneys to the
wastes to the two kidneys.                           heart which pumps it to the body.

           1- The two kidneys                           2- The two ureters

  They are bean shaped with (convex                 They are two narrow tubes
outer part) (concave inner part “pelvis”)           emerge from the two kidneys
They are located in the upper part of the            and open at the back of the

  abdominal cavity at both sides of the                   bladder “inclined”
                                                      They pass the urine drop
   Its length is 12 cm, width 7 cm &                   by drop to the bladder.
               thickness 3 cm.

       3- The urinary bladder                                4- Urethra

     A small muscular sac has a                      It is a duct which extends
 sphincter muscle to close the outlet                from the urinary bladder
 of bladder till the accumulation of                and opens outside the body.

   urine then the bladder contracts.                  It allows urine to pass
                                                          outside the body.
  It receives the urine from ureters
 and stores it temporarily until it is     7
  released outside through urethra.

Second Term
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