Page 11 - E-Biology Sec.2 2024-2025 U1_Handy
P. 11
b) Nephric tubule:
It starts coiled in the cortex “1st coiled tubule”, then U-shaped structure
in the medulla “loop of Henle” and returns coiled again in the cortex
“2nd coiled tubule”.
The 2nd coiled tubules are collected to form the collecting ducts that
open in the concave cavity (pelvis)
Descending Ascending
limb of Henle limb of Henle
Urine excretion
The 2 branches of renal arteries from the aorta enter the kidneys at its
Each renal artery divides into many arterioles forming blood capillaries
(glomerulus) in the Bowman’s capsule.
RBCs, proteins aren’t filtered
due to their large size.
Filtration process “passive” for:
Second Term