Page 16 - E-Biology Sec.2 2024-2025 U1_Handy
P. 16

Stomatal                 Cuticular             Lenticular

transpiration transpiration transpiration

More than 90%             5% of water vapor    Very small amount
 of water loss is         loss is through the  of water vapor loss is
through stomata           waxy cutical layer   through the lenticels
(abundant in the         covers the epidermis  which are opening in
                           of the vegetative   the cork layer covers
      leaves)                                   the woody stems of
 Water vapor passes              organs.
  through the moist      The cutin repels               trees.
walls of mesophyll to     the water but it
the air chambers then
 it diffuses to the air      has some
  through stomata.        permeability to
                           water vapor.


Second Term
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