Page 17 - E-Biology Sec.2 2024-2025 U1_Handy
P. 17

Factors affect the transpiration passively:

   1- Increasing the surface area and the numbers of the leaves.
   2- Increasing the stomata number.
   3- Increasing the temperature.
   4- Increasing the light intensity.
   5- Increasing the absorption rate of water.
   6- Decreasing the humidity in the atmosphere.

Importance of transpiration:

1- Decreasing the plant’s temperature:

The leaves absorb large amount of energy exceeds
their need which is converted into heat and rise the

 leaf temperature especially in sunny days which
    harms the protoplasm and may cause death.

Cytoplasm has cytosol and

Protoplasm has cytoplasm
        and nucleus.

Protoplast has protoplasm
    and cell membrane.

Plant cell has protoplast and  16
           cell wall.

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