Page 14 - E-Biology Sec.2 2024-2025 U1_Handy
P. 14

1- The patient blood is channeled from the artery to the device, then it
      passes through a semi-permeable tube.

   2- There is a purified liquid contains all the plasma contents except the
      urea and metabolic wastes which is passed outside the tube.

   3- The harmful metabolic wastes are passed from the patient’s blood to
      the purified liquid through the semi-permeable membrane by diffusion.

   4- The purified blood is returned to the patient.

The patient receives the treatment for several hours 2-3 times weekly.

                                    3- Liver

     The liver has an important role in excretion in addition to its role in
                               digestion & metabolism.

It breaks down (detoxicate) the poisonous substances are absorbed.

It separates the amino gp. NH2 from the excess amino acids (deamination)
and changes them into urea “excretory poisonous”

Urea poisoning: it is arisen from the accumulation of excretory substances
in the blood due to the stop functioning of the kidneys (kidney failure).

            Formation of urea


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