Page 15 - E-Biology Sec.2 2024-2025 U1_Handy
P. 15

L3: Excretion in plant

             There is no specialized excretory system in plants as:

1- The accumulation of metabolic wastes in the plant cell is very slow as the
rate of catabolism in plants is much lower than that in an animal.

2- The plants reuse the catabolic wastes as CO2 & H2O in photosynthesis
    and nitrogenous wastes in synthesis of proteins.

3- The metabolism in plants is based mainly on carbohydrates (less toxic)
    rather than proteins.

4- In terrestrial plants, organic salts and acids are stored as insoluble
    crystals in cytoplasm / vacuoles.

5- Some plants live in soils are rich in Ca, get rid of its excess by its
    accumulation in the leaves and are expelled out (shed).

6- Plants get rid of the gases through stomata by diffusion or by their roots.
7- Plants get rid of the excess water by transpiration and guttation.


 The excretion of water drops at the leaf’s tips in the early morning at the
                                      end of spring.

It has a special system which may consist of 1 / many loose cells opening by
a hydathode (opened permanently)

Water drops aren’t pure, there may be deposited substances
after evaporation. “little amount of water drops”

Water loss in the form of water vapor and it has 3 types.


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