Page 12 - E-Biology Sec.2 2024-2025 U1_Handy
P. 12

b) Absorption of mineral salts:

The plant needs other essential elements besides C, H, O and their shortage leads to:

o Disturbance or stop in the plant vegetative growth.

o Nonproducing of flowers / fruits.

P.O.C       Macro-nutrients                           Micro-nutrients (Trace elements)

Definition They are needed in considerable            They’re needed in v. small

            quantities.                               quantities (not exceed few mg/L)

Number 7 elements (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe)            8 (Mn, Zn, Al, B, Cl, Cu, Mo, I)

Importance (NO3)-, (PO4)-3, (SO4)-2 convert           Some work as activators of
            carbohydrates  proteins.

            P enters in the composition of energy

            carrier compounds. “ATP, ADP”

            Fe is for building some coenzymes that

            are required for accomp. Photosynthesis.

            Mg is for chlorophyll synthesis.

 1. Diffusion

Element’s ions (solutes) diffuse independently in the form of:

                      (Cations K+, Ca+2 / Anions (NO3)-, (NO2)-, (SO4)-2, (Cl)-)

Solutes diffuse from the soil sol. high conc. med. Wet cellulose wall low conc. med.
                           due to the continuous movement of free ions.

Cation exchange may occur through the cell membrane as Na+ can be replaced by K+.


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